Weaver to Weaver

Photo by Rick Otten on Pexels.com

I made a friend today. She dropped down on to my bed, suspended by a glistening thread. It seemed appropriate to have a small conversation, weaver to weaver.

I told her the hot spots for web making were most likely around my window or under my bed but she decided to explore the dark space under my night table. I asked her to kindly avoid the top of my bed in future as I may not be so friendly if we bumped into each other in the middle of the night. My daughter tells me my fellow weaver is a Yellow Sac Spider. There are less of them in the house right now as it is much warmer outside.

We seem to have skipped spring this week so I am spending more time during the heat of the day in the basement which is full the creepy crawlies. Many of them are my fellow weavers. I am looking forward to the forecasted rain on the weekend so I can appreciate this time of year in slightly cooler weather. Ah the irony of disturbing a seasons worth of dust while I am inside avoiding the outside because of my allergies.

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